결론부터 말하자면 욱일기 맞음 세간엔 낙일기 또는 전승국인 미국이 일본을 조롱목적이란 설도 있으나 정신승리용이고 미화된 일본의 것을 무식한 미군들이 멋으로 시작한 부대전통의 개념임
그 예로 NINJA등 일본단어가 들어간 미군부대 패치나 마크가 다수존재 특히 주일미군은 많은 수가 사용 중
@그래서뭐어쩌라고 읽어보세요...
While on Maui some of the pilots took steps that defined the squadron's heraldry and terminology. Bill Leonard, Charlie Stimpson and one or two others decided that VF-11 should have an insignia, so they devised the concept of two stubby Grummans shooting a 'rising sun' into the ocean as representative of their mission. With the help of Alexa and Maria, the insignia was rendered in colour, and squadron mechanics devised a multiple stencil system so that each Wildcat could have identical emblems. Lt Cdr Fenton approved the idea, and thus was born one of the most enduring insignia in US naval aviation.
Numerals were not allowed on unit emblems but along the bottom was printed SUN DOWNERS, though subsequently the name was usually rendered as one word. It referred mainly to the squadron's job of shooting down Japanese 'suns', but that was only part of the story. As Leonard explained, '"Sundowner" was an old nautical appellation that referred to a diligent worker
VF-11/111 'Sundowners' 1942-95; Barret Tillman, Henk van der Lugt; Osprey Publishing; 2010; ISBN: 9781849082631; p8