우크라 제빵협회 대표에 따르면
우크라 주요 제빵업체들의 지난
6,7월 수익이 적자거나 제로였답니다.
지난 넉달간 우크라 밀가루 가격은
50% 올랐고 설탕, 해바라기유
가격은 연초 보다 20% 올랐으며
전기요금, 물류비도 올랐다네요.
밀가루는 빵 가격의 40%를 점한답니다.
밀가루 가격 폭등은 도매상들이
앞으로 더 가격 오를 걸로 보고
밀가루 판매 적게 해서도 주요 이유라고
Bread shortages may begin in Ukraine
The president of the All-Ukrainian Association of
Bakers and the director of the Kyiv Bread company
Yury Duchenko told the Ministry of Finance about this.
According to him, in June and July, the main producers
of bread in Ukraine worked either in the red or in zero.
"Flour prices have increased by 50% in the last few
months and continue to increase. If in April we bought
flour at 10 thousand per ton, now it costs 15 thousand,
and by November the price is expected to be 16-16.2 thousand.
Flour in the cost price of bread is about 40%. Other raw
materials (sugar, sunflower oil, etc.) have risen in price by
more than 20% since the beginning of the year.
Costs for electricity, logistics, packaging materials, etc.
are increasing.
Therefore, it is necessary to increase the prices of bread by
15-20%. If this does not happen, many bakeries may simply
stop and bread shortages will begin in the country.
Already now, a number of enterprises are on the verge of
shutdown, some are switching to work in one shift," says Duchenko.
According to him, the significant increase in flour prices is
explained by the limited supply of second-class grain on the
domestic market (which is used for flour for the bakery industry).
Many sellers are holding grain in anticipation of better prices.